Eating good, quality and healthy food, for example, fruit is vital to make sure that you receive all the nutrients you require to keep your body functioning. Healthy eating can also prevent illness and disease, meaning you’ll have a higher chance of living a long, healthy and prosperous life.


Over the last five years, there has been an increase in employers investing in their employee’s wellbeing, for example introducing Office Fruit Boxes into the workplace. According to, “80% of people reported that having fruit available at their desk improved their quality of life at work”, which suggests the Workplace Fruit Boxes may be the key to increase staff productivity.


Here at Simon Baynes Wholesale, we have been supplying Office Fruit Boxes to businesses for nearly a decade. The beauty of our Office Fruit Boxes is that every single piece of fruit is locally sourced wherever possible. This means that you and your team will be enjoying fresh and high-quality produce which is rammed packed with added nutrients. Our boxes can include a wide range of fruits so that all your staff have something to enjoy.


Want to know what benefits the Office Fruit Box can offer you and your team? Keep reading on!





A popular fruit with UK consumers, bananas are packed with a variety of nutrients such as potassium, vitamin B6, and C, fibreand carbohydrates which aids good body maintenance. Unlike other fruits, Bananas have less water in them however this does not mean they have fewer calories.


According to Scientific Research, it’s suggested that the potassium found in bananas could protect against heart disease and stroke, this is because potassium is perfect for maintaining good functionality of the heart and blood pressure. In addition to this, bananas also have a high pectin content which has a good influence on gastrointestinal, lowers cholesterol as well as normalises bowel function. The high fibre in bananas also helps promote feelings of fullness, which could help those looking for weight management measures.










Know that well-known saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well, that’s exactly what apples can do for you and your staff’s health. Full of superpower nutrients such as antioxidants that protect our cells,fibrewhich supports the digestive system as well as vitamin A and C which supports the immune system, apples are the perfect addition to any Office Fruit Box.


According to reports, apples can reduce the risk of numerous chronic diseases, such as heart disease as well as cholesterol. Other articles also go onto suggest that apples can also help improve insulin sensitivity which is great for weight maintenance and preventing diabetes.











Brimming with vitamins and minerals, oranges are renowned for their health-promoting content, especially vitamin C which is great for protecting our cells from damage. Oranges contain flavanones which support the body and some reports suggest that oranges can also protect the body from heart disease and cancer. In addition to this, research also suggests that hesperidin found in oranges may aid in reducing blood pressure, cholesterol as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.














Pears come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are not generally as popular as the mighty banana or the luxurious apple. Although not as popular, the power of the pear should not be underestimated, in fact, the pear is packed with medicinal benefits. The pear, for example, is filled with about 18% of fibre which is great for improving the digestive system as well as decreasing constipation and diarrhoea, meaning fewer loo breaks are required.


In terms of weight management and loss, the pear has the lowest number of calories compared to all other fruits. It’s also high in energy and has a fantastic nutritional value, meaning it’s a firm favourite with those looking to shed some pounds. The pear also has a wealth of antioxidants, boosts immunity and more importantly improves heart health.











Peaches boast a wide range of vitamins which promotes good body functionality. The fruit is rich in vitamins and is ideal for maintaining a healthy blood pressure and increasing cardiac health. If you have a picky member of staff who would prefer canned peaches (something else we supply here at Simon Baynes Wholesale) then these are also packed with plenty of nutrients. Encouraging your staff to eat peaches will offer them countless benefits and with their rich contents, they are perfect for increasing staff wellbeing.














Plums are widely known as a “weight loss” fruit due to being low in calories. Studies suggest that consuming stone fruits such as plums helps maintain a good metabolism, which is required to treat obesity and other difficulties associated with weight. The anthocyanins, chlorogenic acids, quercetin and catechins found in plums have anti-obesity effects on the cells, including fat cells. Furthermore, they help prevent obesity-related problems such as cholesterol disorders and diabetes.













As you can see from the above, fruit will offer you and your staff an abundance of health benefits for years to come. Purchasing regular Office Fruit Boxes from Simon Baynes Wholesale will reduce staff absences and more importantly, ensure your staff are happy and productive whilst working.


Interested in an Office Fruit Box? Get in touch today on 01904 413418 or click here to email us.



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Simon Baynes

Unit 25, The Raylor Centre,
James St, York YO10 3DW
Tel. 01904 413418